The Centurion Business Forum is a business organisation that has the following objectives and activities:
- Promotes free market system
- Organises relevant seminars for members
- Initiates projects to the advantage of member
- Acts as mouth piece for members regarding local matters
- Represents the interests of business people in the community
- Provides networking opportunities to memebers
- Acts as channels for organised national action
- Takes part in the congresses of the AHI
- Liaise with the Town Council
The South African Council for Business Women is a Christian-founded business and career women's organisation which offers membership to corporate women, professional women and entrepeneurs, and aims to promote the business interests of its members and the economy of our country in general. Objectives:
- To act and be accepted by all government bodies as the mouthpiece of members
- To influence government policy and community attitudes proactively in matters affecting members and in the promotion of a market-orientated economic system
- More objectives on actual page...
The Community Chest of Centurion is to serve the Welfare and Social Development needs of the Community by strengthening the capacity of the existing Community Chest movement in Southern Africa to address the welfare needs in the communities where such Community chests operate.
Daarom is dit nodig om die Gemeenskapskas van Centurion onder leiding van die nuwe Uitvoerende Direkteur, Mev. Rita Aucamp en elf Direkteure se doelwitte vir die Gemeenskapskas net weer onder die aandag van die inwoners van die Groter Pretoria Metropolitaanse gebied the bring nl.:
- Om maatskaplike welsynsdienste te bevorder
- Om die publiek die geleentheid te gee om 'n bydrae te lewer tot die bevordering van welsynswerk
- Om samewerking, doeltreffendheid en koste-effektiwiteit in die sake van Welsynsorganisasies, en ander instansies deur die Raad goedgekeur, in die bogenoemde gebiede aan te moedig